Tata Motors plays major role in State Transport Undertakings. There are more than 150000 vehicles running in STUs out of which 60000+ population is of Tata vehicles. STU buses are operated in City, Intercity, Mofussil, Hilly routes. Some of the buses are operated under Municipal Corporations. Overall availability of vehicles in STUs is 90% as per CIRT data.
It is our responsibility to support the public Transport undertakings to provide required technical support in terms of trainings, demonstration of maintenance practices and new features on the vehicles and Adherence to the maintenance schedules. Timely support from Tata Motors has enhanced the technical skill of the technicians of the undertakings in order to make the fleet available for operations.
We have done customer Centric Activity in major STUs as well as undertakings of Municipal Corporations.
Tata Motors Customer Support team is working closely with STU team in order to achieve better results in terms of availability of buses and reduce en-route breakdowns. In order to upgrade the skill of technicians and timely maintenance of buses, various activities has been arranged in STU depots and workshops.